
March 22 is World Water Day 2022

As members of the People's Water Board Coalition, we are celebrating with some really exciting and fun activities for World Water Week - and we want you to join us!

Check out the World Water Week website at MIWorldWaterWeek.net and signup to join activities on our SignUp Genius by clicking here

Let’s pay off our debt by the end of 2022!

That’s the Goal for MCWC and you are the ones who will meet it.
Remember we take no corporate or government money.

We have paid down our legal bills to a remaining sum of $50,000 - Help us to get to ZERO by the end of 2022

Donate Here



Click above to donate to the Nestle legal challenge.

Protectors of Pure Water in Michigan

Michigan citizens organized in 2000 to protect our water resources. Challenges continue. Human rights and water quality issues inspire us to defend this public trust. Join us as we protect the water of the commons from those who would pollute, plunder, or privatize. Michigan Citizens for Water Conservation is a grassroots, nonprofit, and all-volunteer organization. Help us protect America's fresh water.

The Story of Water: Who Controls the Way We Drink?
New from our partner Story of Stuff. "The Story of Water chronicles the dangers of water privatization and highlights innovative solutions being adopted around the United States that keep water systems in public hands."

Water Priorities

Upcoming Events

The Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in the cancellation of all events planned for spring and summer 2020 to date. We are NOT tabling at markets this summer. Follow us on this page and social media for updates on all future meetings and events.

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Click above to donate with a debit card, credit card, or Paypal. Or mail check to...

P.O. Box 1
Mecosta, MI 49332

$10 for student | $25 for River Protector

Your donation is tax-deductible. MCWC is a 501c3 nonprofit organization.

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