
Our Timeline


• MCWC was organized
• Governor Engler and the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) grants Nestlé Waters North America a permit to withdraw 400 gallons per minute in Mecosta, MI.
• Strong opposition is expressed by local residents in Mecosta County against Nestlé.
• Attorney General Granholm opposes Nestlé diversion of Michigan spring water.


• MCWC files lawsuit in Mecosta County Circuit Court.


• 19-day trial ending in Judge Lawrence Root ordering Nestlé to close down unreasonable use of groundwater causing environmental impairment.


• Nestlé wins a “stay” from Michigan Court of Appeals with the help of Governor Granholm and other agencies and is allowed to pump 250 gallons per minute.


• Michigan Court of Appeals upholds trial court scientific finds of environmental harm.
• The Michigan Court of Appeals legally rules that a “balancing test” must be applied between homeowners (riparians) and Nestlé, sharing the water
• An out of court settlement is reached between Nestlé and MCWC establishing a 218 gallon per minute average rate of pumping.


• Michigan passes a weak Great Lakes water protection act that exempts bottled water from being a diversion as long as the container is less than 5.7 gallons.


• Michigan Supreme Court rules that, contrary to the Michigan Environmental Protection Act (MEPA), only residents that are immediately impacted can sue for environmental harm.
• MCWC keeps its standing on the Dead Stream and Thompson Lake, but loses its standing to sue regarding the wetlands and Osprey Lake.
• Great Lakes Compact is passed by Michigan and then by US Congress.


• Michigan passes yet another weak water law under limited impact standards, withdrawals of 1 million gallons, exempts 5.7 gallon containers and smaller as a diversion.


• MCWC and Nestlé settle out of court again
• For the next 19 years, pumping limits are in place to protect the Dead Stream and Thompson Lake.


• A new MCWC Board of Directors was elected for a two year term.


• The MCWC Board of Directors proposed and approved the following resolution:Therefore, be it resolved that Michigan Citizens for Water Conservation hereby opposes any further horizontal hydraulic fracturing operations in Michigan.


• MCWC continues to represent its members as the board engages in researching and educating citizens on hydrofracking or fracking.

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P.O. Box 1
Mecosta, MI 49332

$10 for student | $25 for River Protector

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