Info about MCWC

Our Mission

to protect Michigan's surface and ground waters from pollution, plunder, and privatization through education, advocacy, and action.

Michigan Citizens for Water Conservation (MCWC) is a grassroots, non-profit, all-volunteer organization. As water protectors, we are dedicated to the conservation of water into the seventh generation and beyond. Please join us.

Our History

MCWC organized in 2000 to protect our water resources from corporate theft. Specifically, Governor Engler and the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) had granted Nestlé Waters North America a permit to withdraw 400 gallons per minute in Mecosta, MI. Through MCWC, local citizens expressed strong opposition against Nestlé in Mecosta County. They soon began a legal battle that continued for seven years, limiting Nestlé's grab of fresh water by the millions of gallons.

The challenges continue. Human rights and water quality issues inspire us to defend this public trust. Join us as we protect the water of the commons from those who would pollute, plunder, or privatize. Help us protect fresh water.


Read about our 2019 highlights here - Your support makes this work possible!

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P.O. Box 1
Mecosta, MI 49332

$10 for student | $25 for River Protector

Your donation is tax-deductible. MCWC is a 501c3 nonprofit organization.

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