Shut down Enbridge Line 5!
This Canadian crude oil pipeline is one of the largest threats fresh water has ever faced.
The 645-mile oil pipeline known as Line 5 runs from Superior, Wisconsin to Sarnia, Ontario. It crosses through Michigan’s Upper Peninsula and through the Straits of Mackinac. Enbridge, a Canadian energy company, owns this pipeline. Old and already having spilled over a million gallons (click to read more), it threatens 95% of our fresh surface water.
Enbridge's Line 5 runs under the St. Clair River and through the Lake Huron and Lake Michigan lake beds. Near iconic Mackinac Bridge, the pipeline splits into two 20-inch diameter pipelines. They're 1000 feet apart, 100 to 270 feet below the surface, less than 4 miles from Mackinac Island.
This presents an imminent threat to America's fresh surface water. The pipeline has 23 million gallons of crude oil flowing through it every day. Line 5 was only designed to last 50 years, and it's now nearing 65 years old. It was never installed in compliance of the original easements for safety standards. Enbridge has improperly maintained this pipeline. Since its conception, Enbridge line 5 has violated treaty rights for indigenous communities. It violates the Michigan Constitution, which holds the Great Lakes in Public Trust. This pipeline is a threat to Michigan’s economy, environment, and drinking water for over 35 million people. And estimates are that only 5-10% of the product is actually used in Michigan.
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