Action Needed in Requesting Public Hearing

ACTION ALERT – January 19, 2021

Once again the EPA is being asked to permit injection wells in Michigan to store Class I, so-called “non-hazardous waste” in an area that presents risk to our waters. More and more the state is being asked to fill its underground formations with toxins, with little or no serious investigation of the cost to the environment. We must stop this assault on what used to be called the Water Wonderland.

We urge you to submit a comment to the EPA requesting a public hearing on these permits. We offer the text MCWC is sending. Use what you want of it or create an original. The deadline is January 27. Open the link below for more information on these wells and to find the address for your email or letter.

Click here for more information on the issue and how to submit your comment.

Thank you for your support,
MCWC Board

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