March 14: Great Lakes Water Is Life Online Event

Dear friends,

Since the Flint MI Water is Life public forum last September, the organizers have been busy strategizing, coordinating, and planning. Now we are finally ready to come back together for more learning and action.

Nestlé’s bottled water takings, the privatization of water infrastructure and the pollution of water impact Great Lakes communities and violate Indigenous treaty rights. Residents, Indigenous representatives and water groups came together in Flint, Michigan last September to oppose the commodification and privatization of water, and honor water sovereignty.

Join us on March 14 to continue to talk about how Great Lakes peoples can take action to shift water ownership into guardianship and uphold the human right to clean water. See and Share the event page, use this form to RSVP and we will send you the connect information for your computer.

– Desmond Berry, Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians
– Peggy Case, Michigan Citizens for Water Conservation
– Emma Lui, Council of Canadians
– Karen Rathwell, Wellington Water Watchers
– Other speakers

– Facilitated by Paul Baines, Great Lakes Commons

This is an online event. Please be sure to register! This information is also on the coalition’s website:

More information on: Flint and Nestle.


Also published on Medium.

2 comments on “March 14: Great Lakes Water Is Life Online Event

  1. Carl Pieczynski

    May 2, 2018 at 3:35 pm Reply

    I am for the limiting of water use by Nestles. What bothers me most is the way our leaders deal with Nestles. they had Nestles wanting more water, it was a chance for us to demand Nestles find a way to control the discarding of plastic bottles in our lakes, rivers, dumps, highways, then talk about the possibility of allowing Nestles to pump more water. Please continue the pressure on this problem and make sure no one takes advantage of out Michigan water.

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