Attend Oil and Water Don’t Mix’s Snyder/Schuette Accountability Rally!

We need a huge turnout 12 noon, Thursday, December 21, at 100 N Capitol Avenue, Lansing, Michigan to oppose Enbridge Line 5.

Oil and Water Don’t Mix is hosting the Snyder/Schuette Accountability Rally. Why? Because the Snyder-Enbridge deal fails to protect the Great Lakes and Michigan. Instead of decommissioning a threat to fresh water, it introduces more risky options!

Line 5 is the 645-mile oil pipeline. Enbridge, a Canadian energy company, is responsible for this pipeline. It crosses through Michigan’s Upper Peninsula and through the Straits of Mackinac. It’s a threat to 95% of our fresh surface water. And it has already spilled over a million gallons (click here to read more)!

Governor of Michigan Rick Snyder and Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette can and should have revoked the Enbridge easement and began decommissioning. Instead, Snyder has failed to act in the best interest of local citizens.

Snyder committed the State of Michigan to a “deal” with Enbridge. This deal ignores the risks, allows Enbridge to keep operating a leaky pipeline, and opens the conversation to a tunnel under the Straits. Click here to read Michigan Citizens for Water Conservation’s response. We’re opposed to any tunnel, any continued piping of oil threatening the Great Lakes waters, and we want a total shut down of Line 5.

So we’re thrilled to join Oil and Water Don’t Miss at this rally to highlight Snyder and Schuette’s irresponsibility and failure to act. We’ll protest in front of the governor and attorney general’s offices. Together we will deliver gift wrapped Pipeline Safety Advisory Board comments that were already submitted online.

Please join us to let our “leaders” know that Line 5 is unacceptable and it’s time to listen to the will of the people!

Click here to read more information about Enbridge Line 5.

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