Lanphar#1-12 Injection Well in Addison Gas Field

Lanphar#1-12 Injection Well in Addison Gas Field in Oakland County (Addison Twp) and borders Macomb County (Bruce Twp)


Please write a “COMMENT” by Letter, Email, or Fax BY:
Wednesday, May 17 at midnight


Anna Miller
U.S. EPA, Water Division, UIC Branch (WU-16J)
77 W. Jackson Blvd
Chicago, IL 60604-3590

Fax: 312-697- 2049

When writing please refer to the Injection well as “Lanphar#1-12”.
Please refer to your concerns of this injection well.

SUMMARY OF CONCERNS of Lanphar #1-12 Injection Well:

1. Injected H2S (sour gas) is a risk to water quality
Residents surrounding the proposed injection well do not have access to a municipal water supply. They rely on the cleanliness of the water supply that is sharing the sub-surface area with the proposed injection site.  Energex Petroleum, Inc (from Windsor, Ontario) is proposing to inject H2S (sour gas) into the ground.  H2S is poisonous, flammable, and corrosive, and it is not safe for our water supply to be subjected to this hazard.

2. Structural Integrity of the field of Injection Wells and Pipes
The wells and machinery of this field date back to the 1970’s. Over time, the corrosive elements of H2S can highly affect the structural integrity of the mechanisms in this gas field including the wells, injection wells, flowlines and pipelines. It must be proven if any of the wells in the field are not structurally sound, as they will provide a conduit for poisonous gas to move upward into fresh-water aquifers or into the air as fugitive emissions.  We also know that the DEQ does not have mapping of the flowlines. There can be consequences for not knowing where these shallow below-grade lines exist.

(Please note the recent Denver incident with flowlines that blew up a home and killed 2 people: colorado-home- explosion-uncapped- abandoned-line- fugitive-gas)

3. Mechanical Integrity
Documentation has been gathered by residents who live very near to the Addison Gas field. In TWO of the reported cases Energex has admitted to leaks. These leaks were found AFTER the residents smelled the toxic sour gas and reported it.

4. Track record of H2S odors and unresponsiveness of Energex and DEQ
Local residents have smelled H2S numerous times, reported it as directed by the DEQ. The DEQ hotline does not dispatch anyone to check on these incidents, and does not provide follow up to the residents with resolution, but tells residents to evacuate if they feel unsafe. After residents contacted Energex directly, many times Energex checked the wells and did not smell anything, and thus the local fire department was called to the scene to confirm the smell. The smell has been so strong that TWICE residents HAVE evacuated their homes.

For more information:

 Please look at the “Fact sheet on Lanphar1-12” attached below.

 Send an email to MCWC asking for more information.

We thank you for your ACTION. Write your “Comment” giving your specific concerns. It can be simple and short, depending on your time. Please remember that Injection Wells are Toxic Waste dumps that can have a dire consequence on our drinking water. Together we can hopeful make a positive difference to the people who live so close to this dangerous “permit” for an injection well in this gas field.

Click here to read more about injection wells.